Saturday, 18 August 2012

How To Grow Ipomoea Tricolor Heavenly Blue From Seed

Here is a simple guide on how to grow Ipomoea Tricolor Heavenly Blue from seed.

Introduction to Ipomoea Tricolor

Ipomoea Tricolor is a morning glory vine; it is from the family of Convolvulaceae. It is a twining (Perennial Climber) plant that grows 2-4 meters in height, the leaves are 3-7 cm long and the flowers are a trumpet shape with a size of 4-9 cm. Its flowering period is from June to September. This plant loves full sun and is only half-hardy (Zone 9). This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and birds.

How To Grow From Seed

Things you will need

Ipomoea Tricolor Seeds
Miracle Grow Potting Mix
Humidity Tent (This time I used a mini greenhouse)

First, get your Miracle Grow and the perlite, mix it with a 50/50 ratio, and mix evenly. Pat it down but not to tight.

Moisten your prepared growing medium but not too much. Use a stick like object to make a hole 5mm deep, drop the seed in the hole and bury it lightly. Now place the pots in a humidity chamber/tent (Mini greenhouse). Now place your humidity chamber/tent in to partial shade. Once in a while open the chamber to let in fresh air, to prevent any rot. Keep the chamber warm, around 18C - 22C. The seeds should germinate within the week of planting them.

Here is one of my seedlings, it germinated very quickly, and it took 3 days. When this happens it is now OK to put them in full sun and let them grow.

This picture is 2 days later in full sun.

Once it grows up a bit more put a stick in the middle to help it twine up the stick. The second picture shows the first heart shaped leaf. When it grows more add more stick to support it and it will grow healthy.

1 month of growing in full sun.

Growing even more.

Watering and Fertilizing 

Watering should be done when the top layer of the soil dries up. Water quite a bit, as these plants love water. This plant also loves being fertilized, fertilize once every 2-3 weeks but only fertilize when the plant has grown for a minimum of 3 weeks.

Thursday, 2 August 2012

Nature's Spirit Gallery

Here are some of our plants that we grow at Nature's Spirit.

Here is our Trichocereus Bridgesii Monstrose.

Hawaiian Baby Wood Rose (True Hawaiian Strain) grown from seed.

Sceletium Tortuosum (Kanna) grown from seed.

Psychotria Viridis grown from seed.

Psychotria Alba plants grown from fresh leaf cuttings.